a neighborhood healing practice


Introducing sumistreet 🌴✨

Photo of an assortment of objects: an embroidered tiger, a childhood photo of sumi, a watercolor of a 6-eyed tiger and a sunset, a journal, and a miniature banner that says, "sumistreet."

Welcome to my neighborhood healing practice,


Allow me to reintroduce (re-invent?) myself!

sumistreet is a container for the writing, facilitation, herbal and food teaching work I’ve been up to for the past decade.

It’s things like:

🌿📦 the free medicine box on the front porch, 📓 teaching “how to give an apology” workshops in a friend’s basement, and memorizing your birth chart after you shared it with me that one time at a pre-panini house party 🤩

— but the 2.0 11.0 version of that.

While my offerings have matured, at the heart of sumistreet is that curious auntie having deep talks in the kitchen x nature girl with a dog sidekick x abolitionist neighbor-healer energy, that calls to me.

sumistreet creates healing resources and facilitation, inspired by daily rituals. These offerings nurture community leadership, well-being, and safety, beyond the state.

Stay in the loop about upcoming workshops, monthly gifts, and new writing. Get the sumistreet newsletter!

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